We have currently suspended our services until further notice
In 1994, AGUILAS (Asamblea Gay Unida Impactando Latinos A Superarse) pioneered a comprehensive HIV prevention
and education program called "EI Ambiente" (or "in the life") for gay and bisexual Latinx men living in the San Francisco
Bay Area. The program's goal is to give members the information and tools needed to practice safer sex, as well as
provide them with a safe, interactive environment to discuss LGBTQI+ issues that are specific to Latinx culture.
Since its founding, AGUILAS EI Ambiente's wide range of workshops – hosted in Spanish, English and Portuguese –
have improved the well-being of its 500+ members, while reducing both isolation and high-risk sexual behaviors.
AGUILAS is dedicated to creating a supportive, culturally sensitive environment for gay/bisexual Latinos. We strive to foster knowledge and pride of the diversity of our language, culture, history and spirituality. AGUILAS is committed to developing programs that promote health, well-being and community building that foster positive self-identities, healthy relationships and leadership skills.